Sunday 15 March 2015

Travel Blanket Set Review

Travel Blanket Set  Rating: 4,5 of 5 stars====================Product price: Check new Price in amazon====================Buy with Secure Transaction Amazon now…====================
Product Description2 products in 1 - What more could a traveler ask for than a pb travel blanket and eyemask together in one package. FASHIONABLE NEW!!! COLORS ROYAL BLUE, ORANGE AND PINK. Non - pill polar fleece travel blanket.

Travel Blanket Set

Travel Blanket SetCustomer Reviews:* Once upon a time, people used to wait years to fly on an airplane, and they'd dress up, and there were helpful people who would take good care of you on every flight. Why, if you got tired, they'd fluff up these tiny little pillows and put them under your head, as many as you wanted, and would even tuck you in with a comfy little blanket.Since those days have gone the way of the passenger pigeon and $0.99/gallon gasoline, this sweet little kit brings back a whole lot of civilization to your flight. While the five people in the aisle across from you are playing tug-o-war with their single blanket (forget about pillows, they left those in Hong Kong), you snuggle under your fluffy soft blankie. You get a pillow to dream about a private airplane, which caters to your every whim The colors are different enough from airline colors that you won't be accused of theft, and oh wonder of wonders - it's nice and clean, and no other traveler will have put his head upon your pristine comfy pillow.So relax and enjoy your flight, in just a few minutes we'll be on our way to Toledo. :-) * best thing i bought for our trip.we didnt have to use the airplane ones and the eye mask was perfect. my godchild has motion sickness so this was used in the plane to europe and on the tour bus.she was totally pleased and others asked where we got it made a she has it in colledge with her.roommate up late studying she can sleep. Travel Blanket Set 

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